With the increasing level of regulations and ever changing needs of customers/partners, in order to stay compliant and to keep the operational output up to the set quality standards, most organizations engage in consistent quality improvement and compliance management initiatives on an ongoing basis. However, the difference between being compliant and facing penalties due to non-compliance is the execution of an enterprise or department wide compliance and quality initiatives. We can assist in the development of a complete compliance program, as well as keep you informed of emerging regulatory developments in Saudi Arabia, and share best practices for establishing related policies and procedures. Because of our experience and relations with financial institutions and Regulatory bodies, we can help you assess issues that are important to your bank. Moreover, we can provide you with practical insights to help you improve your overall Compliance strategy.
Providing the right Solution to your compliance needs
Regulatory Compliance
When a financial institution follows the applicable laws and regulations issued by the regulatory agencies, as well as complies with its internal policies and procedures, it is called in this case a regulatory-compliant institution.
Importance of Regulatory Compliance
In the light of the world financial crisis and the rapid economic developments, represented in the emergence of economic blocs and the serious trend towards the world economy openness, the financial institutions urgently need to respond to competitive factors and the regional and global challenges they face both by market competition and by the increased regulatory requirements. This in turn led to the emergence of the need for regulatory compliance.
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